Newwebbs has gathered that children of nowadays have drafted and formulated some jargons which only them can fully decode while having conversations.
At the moment, we are privy to 28 trending jargons/slangs which children use to chat on phones with their mates, the list would be updated as gathered. Here you go:
1. IWSN- I want sex now.
2. GNOC- Get naked on camera.
3. NIFOC- Naked in front of computer.
4. PIR- Parent in room.
5. CU46 – See you for sex.
6. 53X- Sex.
7. 9- Parent watching.
8. 99 -Parent gone.
9. 1174′- Party meeting place.
10. THOT- That hoe over there.
11. CID- Acid (the drug).
12. Broken- Hungover from alcohol.
13. 420- Marijuana.
14. POS- Parent over shoulder.
15. SUGARPIC- Suggestive or erotic photo.
Read Also: Google: How to Monitor, Protect Children’s Internet Activities on the Go
16. KOTL- Kiss on the lips.
17. LsMIRL- Let’s meet in real life.
18. PRON- Porn.
19. TDTM- Talk dirty to me.
20. 8 -Oral sex.
21. CD9 -Parents around/Code 9.
22. IPN- I’m posting naked.
23. LH6- Let’s have sex.
24. WTTP- Want to trade pictures?
25. DOC- Drug of choice.
26. TWD- Texting while driving.
27. GYPO- Get your pants off.
28. KPC- Keeping parents clueless.
The above list should redefine how you monitor your children and teens’ conversations with their peers.